Friday, February 09, 2007

Yay i so happy and relieved that i got 17 for my results. YAY ...........

So i am thinkin of going 4 nyjc but i juz cannot help feeling that its not realli possible

i think i will most likely be staying in SRJC if i cannot get into nyjc

Actually its not a bad idea since the school culture is quite cool and the teacher are ok

i realised something abt the teachers they are 2 different in lectures n class sometimes so a boring teacher in lecture might not be a boring teacher in class
Haha so congrats to ppl who scored great n to those who scored not so great stay happy as there are still lots of opportunities to score well
Perservere and u all will make it
所谓天无绝人之路 只要努力就会有成果


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