Monday, February 26, 2007

okay !!!!!!
so to joanna's request i am gonna update u all about my recent life
actually nothing much goin on except for OGL camp in SR and that jo and xindi and jie hui are makin my life hilarious and my belly flop everyday *hahazzzz* i am definitely gonna miss u all when we go our separate ways

by the way OGL camp was definitely fun more fun than first orientation. we had games, college dance and did many extreme(sorta) things to win points for example once we had to sing the college anthem with straws in our mouth. but a drawback to the camp was its food , the food was absolutely HORRIBLE !!! though edible (but the milo made by angel was nice though )

first day we had ice breaking (that stupid whacko game ) and some night games(that explains y jo heard us screaming in the middle of the night) and an hour of college dance (my butt ached two days after that)

on the second day we awoke at seven and after breakfast , we had 4 hrs of games many of which are wet games which quite fun. but after lyk 4 hrs straight of games its realli damn tiring lah. then we had lyk walk in practice and some small workshops

BUT overall, Bismarck won the voyage this time and im realli glad even though i need to eat abt 100 strepsils to keep from losing my voice ......hahahzzz juz exaggerating abit


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