Monday, February 26, 2007

okay !!!!!!
so to joanna's request i am gonna update u all about my recent life
actually nothing much goin on except for OGL camp in SR and that jo and xindi and jie hui are makin my life hilarious and my belly flop everyday *hahazzzz* i am definitely gonna miss u all when we go our separate ways

by the way OGL camp was definitely fun more fun than first orientation. we had games, college dance and did many extreme(sorta) things to win points for example once we had to sing the college anthem with straws in our mouth. but a drawback to the camp was its food , the food was absolutely HORRIBLE !!! though edible (but the milo made by angel was nice though )

first day we had ice breaking (that stupid whacko game ) and some night games(that explains y jo heard us screaming in the middle of the night) and an hour of college dance (my butt ached two days after that)

on the second day we awoke at seven and after breakfast , we had 4 hrs of games many of which are wet games which quite fun. but after lyk 4 hrs straight of games its realli damn tiring lah. then we had lyk walk in practice and some small workshops

BUT overall, Bismarck won the voyage this time and im realli glad even though i need to eat abt 100 strepsils to keep from losing my voice ......hahahzzz juz exaggerating abit

Friday, February 09, 2007

Yay i so happy and relieved that i got 17 for my results. YAY ...........

So i am thinkin of going 4 nyjc but i juz cannot help feeling that its not realli possible

i think i will most likely be staying in SRJC if i cannot get into nyjc

Actually its not a bad idea since the school culture is quite cool and the teacher are ok

i realised something abt the teachers they are 2 different in lectures n class sometimes so a boring teacher in lecture might not be a boring teacher in class
Haha so congrats to ppl who scored great n to those who scored not so great stay happy as there are still lots of opportunities to score well
Perservere and u all will make it
所谓天无绝人之路 只要努力就会有成果

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Today gp veri fun the video veri funny best gp lesson of all
Except for the part where the documentary kept repeating that global warming will cause the world to be full of diasasters
But ppl muz look at the good aspects of life and not focus on the bad right? so i shall juz forget ......HaHa
so to all ppl who reads my blog ....Good luck in all u do and to my frenz taking their results on friday ..Hope u all get great results

Monday, February 05, 2007


this friday 9 february is the release of o level results
so excited yet so scared
As many ppl say time flies in a few days i might get disappointed or feel sad or maybe feel happy so ppl who knoe me plz forgive me if u see me in a peculiar way when u see me these few days

juz a poem for valentines
Letters of affection
Or even mushiness
Very nice to savour
Each day and night