Tuesday, March 13, 2007

orientation camp

after three days of taxing ogl duties i can finally relax....... now i remember y i didn wan to go for teaching when they sent me the letter
at this rate i am goin i will die of heart attack b4 i even finish teachin a year luckily i am a youngster and hav a strong heart
but my og is the better among others though heard from certain ppl tat they gave up on their ogs .... hahaaaa....
being an ogl made me look lyk i am an old naggy lady.. UGGH... i totally hate tat... idiotic lah hurry hurry hurry got timetable
but whatevs lah over alreadi but my og made the three days fun they were damn high screechin lyk they wanna burst my eardrums and the girls especially were veri enthu and thoroughly enjoyed the fusion night and some "strange" ppl came and crashed la shouting lyk siao haha...........
ya btw for those who dont knoe bismarck got second and quoting demeter "we have won the war ha ha ha "


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